BBoy Knowledge


Always Stay A Student Of This Dance

Teknyc On Trends

Karaoke breakin.

this post is in no way a dis to anyone, it’s simply an observation of one of the trends in our dance today.
i call it Karaoke breakin. this is when a breaker hits EVERY beat, lyric, horn,snare in the record. some might call that “Beat Riding”. now, anything in excess is bad, if you dont rock to the beat, than you’re not dancing, & if you hit every single beat you’re trying too much & it looks forced & far from natural & it leaves no room for the element of surprise. you should always be with the tempo of the song, but those very obvious hits should come out of nowhere & out of the flow of your solo. it should not look like karaoke, where you follow the little red ball on top of the lyrics so you can be in tune with the record. use this as advice or disregard it all together.

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